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Practicalities of BP measurement and lifestyle advice for patients

The first BIHS webinar took take place on Wednesday 19th January 2022 at 630pm – 8pm.  The recording is no longer available, however, the next webinar is taking place on the 11th May. Please click here for more information.













1. Practical BP measurement + monitoring by Dr. Philip Lewis
2. Face to face vs. remote management of hypertension? by Prof. Richard MacManus
3. Practical lifestyle advice for hypertension by Sam Olden
4. Live Q&A with a multidisciplinary panel of hypertension experts; Philip Lewis, Sam Olden, Alison Warren and Naomi Stetson

Speaker and Panellist Profiles

Chair, Mike Okorie (Clinical Pharmacologist) is a Professor of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Chairs the Educational Programmes Working Party of the BIHS. He runs a regional specialist hypertension clinic at University Hospitals Sussex in Brighton and is also involved hypertension related research. Mike is passionate about the education and training of healthcare professionals in hypertension and related disorders, as this equips and empowers them in the management of CVD risk and prevention in every day clinical practice.

Philip Lewis (Cardiologist) has had a life-long commitment to improve hypertension, detection and management from Primary Care to National Strategy. He provided one of the very first ambulatory BP profile services for primary care in 1989, has trained GPs, Practice Nurses, HCAs, Pharmacists, Optometrists, Sports Trainers, Nurses, Midwives, students and lay people in blood pressure measurement as well as contributing to international training resources and was cardiovascular lead for the Stockport Cardiovascular Risk Factor Screening Project which screened > 200,000 residents between 1988 and 2000 and became a precursor to NHS HealthChecks.
He has been intimately involved in the national BPM@Home project and has led 2 Trailblazer groups, one amongst General Practice and the other for the Integrated Stroke Delivery Network with impressive early improvements in BP control. His research centres round blood pressure measurement and diagnosis of secondary causes and he is a co-author of a new regional blood pressure measurement strategy and is involved in a BIHS move to ensure that every ICS in the UK has access to a trained Hypertension Specialist.

Richard McManus is a GP and Professor of Primary Care Research at the University of Oxford. His research interests lie mainly in the prevention of cardiovascular disease with particular emphasis on blood pressure measurement and the management of hypertension in primary care where his work has influenced National and International Clinical Guidelines. He is Chief Investigator on Programmes of work around Self-Monitoring/Management of Blood Pressure in Hypertension and Pregnancy (mostly NIHR funded) as well as leading the Self-Management theme of the NIHR Oxford and Thames Valley Applied Research Collaboration.
He leads Oxford’s contribution to the NIHR School for Primary Care Research. He chairs the Blood Pressure Monitoring Working Party of the British Hypertension Society and is a Chair of the NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Panel. He has provided expert advice to NICE (member of 2011 & 2019 Hypertension Guideline Development Groups), and the European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension (member of 2018 Guideline Development Group).

Sam Olden is Lead Physiotherapist and Head of Exercise and Science at CP+R, a world leading cardiac rehabilitation and preventative healthcare facility in London. In addition, Sam also Chairs the Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Working Party for the BIHS. Sam’s research and interests focus on real life application of lifestyle initiatives for reducing cardiovascular risk and optimising rehabilitation post cardiac event. Sam works as part of a multidisciplinary team and takes great pleasure in educating patients and clinicians alike in the benefits of exercise and activity in a range of healthcare conditions.

Naomi Stetson (Nurse) trained at UCLH, with further training at the University of Glasgow. She developed an interest in Cardiovascular disease more than 25 years ago while setting up a new Hypertension Service at the Royal Free Hospital. Naomi was part of the Development group for NICE 127 and the Topic Expert Group for Hypertension. She has recently retired from the post of Lead Nurse at Peart Rose Clinic part of Imperial Colllege Healthcare Trust, but continues to take an active part in the Nurses and Allied Professionals Working Party of the British and Irish Hypertension Society, and was awarded Fellowship of the Society in 2016, she facilitated the set up of Project Malawi with the BIHS, and was a primary developer of the Omron Academy.
In the last year, Naomi turned her hand to Co-ordinating Covid -19 Support Nurses with Smart Health Solutions and Vaccinating and is continuing to develop and deliver Blood Pressure related courses.

Alison Warren is a Consultant Pharmacist in Cardiology with over 20 years of experience working in both primary and secondary care specialising in improving medicines optimisation in the management of CVD
She has a keen interest in CVD prevention including hypertension and as independent prescriber she manages a range of cardiac conditions. She was a member of the 2019 NICE Hypertension Guideline Group.