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ASM Prizes and Awards

BIHS Early Career Researcher Oral Prizes (2 Prizes) 
There will be two Early Career Awards for the best oral presentations. The winners will be given the opportunity of presenting their abstract at one of the following years meetings of the High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia or the Italian Hypertension Society. The BIHS will provide up to £1,500 and £500 respectively towards travel expenses and subsistence, and the respective Councils will cover the costs of conference registration and accommodation during the meeting. The winners of these awards will be expected to arrange visits to relevant local research groups before or after the meeting (assistance in contacting relevant units will be provided by the Councils if required). Travel expenses will be paid upon production of receipts.

Judging Procedure
The oral abstracts which score the highest referees’ gradings will be shortlisted for each Award by the Executive Committee in advance of the conference, and all presenters notified. The Executive Committee will assess the presentations at the meeting, using the following criteria:
* The merits of the overall study objectives and design
* The quality of the data and its presentation at the meeting
* The quality of the presenter’s interaction during the question and answer session following their presentation

Dr Robert Grayson Award (1 Prize) – £150
This prize, generously funded by the family and friends of the late Dr Robert Grayson, will be awarded for the best research relating to ‘Diseases of the Aorta or Blood Vessels’.
Judging Procedure
The relevant abstracts which score the highest referees’ gradings will be shortlisted for the Award by the Executive Committee in advance of the conference, and all presenters will be notified. Presentations at the meeting will be assessed, using the following criteria:
* The merits of the overall study objectives and design
* The quality of the case history and the treatment pathway
* The quality of the data and its content and presentation at the meeting
* The quality of the presenter’s interaction during the question and answer session following their presentation (oral or poster)

BIHS Clinical Practitioners Award (1 Prize) – £100
The BIHS Nurses Prize is for a nurse/AHP who is an author and/or part of the investigating team. The presentation can be a piece of research, an audit or a relevant case history. The presentation will be an oral or poster presentation if there are no eligible abstracts in the oral session.

Judging Procedure
The Executive Committee (or nominated individuals) will assess the presentations at the meeting, using the following criteria:
* The merits of the overall study objectives and design
* The quality of the case history and the treatment pathway
* The quality of the data and its content, and presentation at the meeting
* The quality of the presenter’s interaction during the question and answer session following their presentation (oral or poster)

BIHS Poster Prize (1 Prize) – £100 – kindly sponsored by the Journal of Human Hypertension
Judging Procedure
All posters shortlisted for the poster storm are eligible for the poster prize. The Poster Chairs will assess the presentations at the meeting, using the following criteria:
* Level of interest
* Content
* Methodology

If the Poster Prize is won by a non – member, the Journal of Human Hypertension offers the winner free online access for one year.