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2018 ASM

BIHS Annual AwardWinner
BIHS Young Investigators Oral Prize - to present at the meeting of High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia 2019Kathleen Connelly
University of Cambridge, UK
BIHS Young Investigators Oral Prize to present at the meeting of the American Heart Association Council for Hypertension 2019Clare Oliver - Williams
University of Cambridge, UK
BIHS Young Investigators Oral Prize to present at the meeting of the Italian Hypertension Society (SIIA) 2019Muti Goloba
University of London, UK
Dr Robert Grayson AwardDr Carlos Valencia - Hernandez
University of London, UK
BIHS Nurses/Allied Health Professional AwardMartina Rooney
Ulster University, UK
BIHS Poster PrizeTriona McNicholas
Trinity College, Dublin