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Abstract Book

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This is the first year the BIHS ASM will be utilising e-Screens to view Posters! There will be five e-Poster Screens with posters available to view and PDF versions of all posters will also be available to view via the mobile app.

Each e-Poster Screen will be labelled as follows: 

e-Poster Screen 1 (Top Ranked Posters): PS01 – PS-10
e-Poster Screen 2 (Case Studies and Basic Laboratory Science): P-01 – P-09
e-Poster Screen 3 (Epidemiological Studies [1]): P-11 -P-20
e-Poster Screen 4 (Epidemiological Studies [2]): P-21 – P-31
e-Poster Screen 5 (Systematic Reviews): P-32 – P-41